Are You Keen to Harness the Power of LinkedIn™ to Achieve Your Professional Goals?

Nothing launches careers, boosts brands or showcases professional talent on social media like LinkedIn™.

So much more than a jobseeking site, LinkedIn™ is the social media platform of choice for business professionals to connect, communicate and convert.

More than half of all social traffic to B2B websites and blogs comes from LinkedIn™.

Harness the immense power of LinkedIn™ and its billion-plus members to build a commanding presence that will be seen and heard by those who will employ you, contract you, buy from you and network with you.

Learn how to electrify your LinkedIn™ profile, boost your brand and build an invaluable network with the Link∙Ability membership site. Get all the help you need for achieving your professional goals using LinkedIn™ in one place. Learn how it works.


LinkedIn™ Profiles & Company Pages

Book Link∙Ability

Book Link∙Ability

LinkedIn™ Training

LinkedIn™ Coaching

What People Say


Lynnaire was instrumental in not only writing and curating a powerful profile for me but she has insights and understanding of the LinkedIn™ platform that sets her apart from all other people and companies that claim to be experts in this regard. She is diligent, thorough and totally professional.

Read the Book – Link∙Ability : 4 powerful strategies to maximise your LinkedIn™ success

Written by top international LinkedIn™ expert, Lynnaire Johnston, Link∙Ability delivers four powerful strategies you can use to achieve any goal you have for your LinkedIn™ marketing and branding. Read a free chapter, check out the contents and purchase your copy of the book.

What are you looking for help with?

LinkedIn™ Profile Upgrade

Individual Coaching / Consultations

Group / Corporate Training

LinkedIn™ Content Marketing

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